The disease

Alzheimer’s disease takes everything away


We are our brain. It is the centre of our personality and Alzheimer’s disease takes it away from us. In an injured brain, the neurons responsible for memory and other functions stop working. The result is that the sick person forgets, becomes disorientated, stops communicating and needs help in their daily activities.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease patients gradually lose their memories and their identity until they fail to recognise the reality around them. The disease lasts between 7 and 15 years since the diagnosis. In this time, the patient becomes ever more affected and dependent.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease


<strong>This disease is the one which worries the elderly the most, more than cancer or heart disease.</strong><br />
Ageing represents the main risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease. More than any other factor, getting old is the principal risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease. As life expectancy increases around the world, so does the number of Alzheimer's sufferers.

1 of every 10 people over 65 has Alzheimer’s disease

This disease is the one which worries the elderly the most, more than cancer or heart disease.
Ageing represents the main risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease. More than any other factor, getting old is the principal risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease. As life expectancy increases around the world, so does the number of Alzheimer's sufferers.

An incurable growing epidemic

An incurable growing epidemic

Every day, thousands of new cases of dementia, mainly Alzheimer’s, are diagnosed around the world. We are facing a disease of devastating effects for which there is still no cure. The absence of effective treatments and the increased life expectancy will turn these diseases into the epidemic of our century.

  1. 46 million

    There are more than 46 million people affected by the disease around the world.

  2. 3 seconds

    Every 3 seconds, a new case of dementia is diagnosed in the world.

  3. 2050

    If no effective cure is found, by 2050 the number of cases will have tripled.

Millions of families affected

Millions of families affected

Every new diagnosed case changes the life of a whole family. Many of the people who take on the responsibility of caring for the patient, mainly women, become ill themselves, due to the high levels of stress and anxiety they have to live with as the disease progresses, a period which can last up to 15 years.

Millions of families affected

The care of a person with Alzheimer’s disease is paid for mainly out of the caregiver’s pocket

For every Alzheimer’s disease sufferer living in their home there is a primary caregiver. In Europe, it is estimated that the average cost per patient amounts to €22,000, some €5,000 in the early phases and up to €41,000 in the later, more disabling, phases. The family takes on 87% of the expense of the care.

54% of people have a direct or indirect relationship with the disease. Relatives, friends, neighbours, workmates and we ourselves are exposed to suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

1 of every 2 people are affected by Alzheimer’s disease

54% of people have a direct or indirect relationship with the disease. Relatives, friends, neighbours, workmates and we ourselves are exposed to suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.


We will cure Alzheimer’s disease as we have cured other diseases before, but we need time and resources to do so. For too long this disease has not received the necessary funding despite the high social and economic costs it generates.


A future without Alzheimer’s disease

We are committed to prevention. We are convinced that significant discoveries are about to be made in this field which will sow the seeds for future effective preventive treatments.

Science, the only solution

Alzheimer’s disease as yet has no cure. We do not know its origin and causes. We know that it is a disease, not a consequence of getting old, and we can therefore find a solution for the millions of people suffering from it along with their relatives. We are committed to putting all of our effort into the early identification and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

We are convinced that only through science and innovation will we be capable of beating Alzheimer’s disease. Science as a path to furthering our knowledge of the disease and innovation as a guide to seeking solutions to improve quality of life for sufferers and their caregivers.

For a future without Alzheimer’s disease

Your donation will be used for scientific research to beat the disease.