June 30, 2021

We raised 4.5 million pesetas for Alzheimer's research

The campaign has had more than 800 collection points throughout Spain and the support of 16 public figures and influencers
We raised 4.5 million pesetas for Alzheimer's research

With the aim of giving the old currency a final charitable use, the Pasqual Maragall Foundation launched last July, with the support of the MÁSMÓVIL Group, the campaign “The last mission of the peseta”. A milestone that comes to an end and that has managed to raise 4.5 million pesetas to fight Alzheimer's, that is to say, more than €26,000 for research into this disease.

June 30 is the deadline to exchange pesetas for euros at the Bank of Spain and according to this institution, at the beginning of the year there were still more than 1.5 billion euros in pesetas in Spanish homes without being exchanged, and which will permanently lose their value once the deadline is reached.

Over the last year, the campaign has included all YOIGO and MASLife stores, part of the MÁSMÓVIL Group, collecting pesetas. In total, there are more than 800 collection points in all the autonomous communities. In addition to the collection boxes deposited at the headquarters of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in Barcelona (c/ Wellington, 30), and the possibility of making a donation through the website

As explained Arcadi Navarro, director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, “The more than €26,000 raised will be donated to Alzheimer's disease research. From the Pasqual Maragall Foundation we would like to thank all the people who have wanted to give one last charitable mission to the peseta, and help us to continue researching to overcome a disease that currently affects more than 800,000 people in Spain, and which could double the number of cases by 2050 if we do not find a cure or treatment that prevents or slows its course.”.

With the support of 16 personalities and influencers

“The last mission of the peseta” has also had the participation of 16 public figures and influencers, which have been key in encouraging participation and raising awareness about the disease. Among them are Jordi Évole, Dani Martín, Jordi Pérez Cruz, Pablo Novoa, Amaro Ferreiro, Nury Calvo, Villagayumbos, Mama soltera, Como una princesa, Soy una madre normal and Bravas bcn.

In addition, the campaign has also had the participation of 12 collaborating companies, including Ciments Molins, Allianz, Agem and Ricoh, and La Crep. It should be noted that the Pasqual Maragall Foundation has received more than 500 requests for information and more than 120 visits related to the campaign, which have allowed it to continue to spread information about the disease.

More information about the campaign in this link.

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