March 30, 2020

We join the manifesto of entities linked to the defense of the rights of the elderly

Entities and associations linked to the defence of the rights of the elderly have signed a manifesto in order to guarantee the rights and care of this group in the face of the coronavirus crisis.
We join the manifesto of entities linked to the defense of the rights of the elderly

Given the serious health emergency situation that we are experiencing in Catalonia as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, at the Pasqual Maragall Foundation We support the petition signed by the entities and associations linked to the defence of the rights of the elderly, which state the following:

– Through the information issued by the authorities, the scientific field and the media, we know the serious effects that this pandemic is causing, especially to older people.

– Older people, due to age, suffer from illnesses that place us, at this time, as people of high risk of infecting us and, consequently, of infecting those around us.

– Many elderly people, regardless of whether we live in residences, in temporary stays in social-health centres or private homes, have access to services that, even before the outbreak of the pandemic, had a insufficient resourcing to ensure a decent service to users.

For all this, We ask to all public administrations with powers (town councils, Generalitat and State Government):

Implant immediately establish appropriate protocols to provide comprehensive and efficient healthcare to the elderly, optimising resources: medical transport, healthcare in homes and residences, telecare, home care service, etc.

Provide all the professional and technical resources necessary to deal with this situation, as well as all the essential personal protective equipment for workers, their families, the environment of the sick person and the sick person themselves.

Ensure that palliative care teams (PADES) provide assistance to people who need it at home or in the residential center.

Ensure that, in the event that the illness leads to the end of life, the affected person can pass on with dignity and without suffering.

The entities and associations adhering to this manifesto express our recognition and gratitude for the work being carried out by the group of professionals who are facing this health and social emergency situation.

Citizen Association pels Drets de les Dones
Association of Relatives of Malalts d'Alzheimer of Barcelona
Can 70 - Housing Cooperative
Committee of Pensionists and Retirees of l'Hospitalet
National Coordinator of Pensionists and Retirees of Catalonia
Coordinator of 5+1 Residences
DMD (Associació Dret a Morir Dignament)
Federation of Relatives of Malalts d'Alzheimer of Catalonia
Federació d'Associacions de Gent Gran de Catalunya
Federation of Veïns and Veïnes Associations of Barcelona
Federation of Pensionists and Retirees of CCOO of Catalonia
FiraGran Foundation
Age & Life Foundation
Hospice-Associació per a l'Acompanyament at the End of Life
Early Retirement Without Penalty
Movement for some Pensions Dignes de Terrassa
Platform in Defense of Public Health of Baix Vallès
Unitary Platform of the Great People of Catalonia
Sindi.Cat Retirees
Xarxa d'Expertesa per a la Construcció de Coneixement Compartit (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

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