The Foundation
We are working to defeat this disease and achieve a future in which aging is associated with positive experiences.
We are working to defeat this disease and achieve a future in which aging is associated with positive experiences.
I want to help defeat this disease
We talk about Alzheimer's and its impact on those affected and their families.
We believe that only through research will we achieve a future without Alzheimer's.
We help affected families and caregivers with our support programs.
We work towards changing the social perception of the disease through dissemination and public advocacy.
We put Alzheimer's on the political agenda.
We are working to defeat this disease and achieve a future in which aging is associated with positive experiences.
We talk about Alzheimer's and its impact on those affected and their families.
We believe that only through research will we achieve a future without Alzheimer's.
We help affected families and caregivers with our support programs.
We work towards changing the social perception of the disease through dissemination and public advocacy.
Help us continue investigating.
We carry out institutional activities and political advocacy actions aimed at political representatives, governments and public institutions so that they recognise the social, economic and health impact of Alzheimer's disease and develop public policies to slow its progress and promote research. We also promote joint actions and collaborate with other actors and organisations in the sector.
Published in late 2024 and prepared with contributions from experts in the scientific, health and social fields, the "Proposals for a new prioritization of Alzheimer's in Spain" report includes a series of measures aimed at addressing the main challenges posed by Alzheimer's, with the aim of improving the quality of life of those affected and their caregivers.
More informationWe raised the reality of scientific research and the needs of people affected by Alzheimer's to the Senate, highlighting the urgency to prioritize Alzheimer's research to improve early diagnosis and support and information for families..
We were able to convey to the senators the main scientific advances in Alzheimer's and the need to allocate more resources and talent to find solutions to stop the advance of the disease and its impact on society.
More informationTogether with some of the main entities related to Alzheimer's and the care of the elderly, we asked Congress for a Political commitment to make Alzheimer's a strategic priority in research, health and social support. The Congress received from its president a manifesto that has the support of more than 500,000 signatures, calling for more political action against Alzheimer's and in favor of research.
More informationThe Foundation was created with a mentality and attitude of openness towards society. Through our activity we generate scientific knowledge at the service of citizens, with the aim of addressing, through science, the challenges posed by Alzheimer's disease.
Inspired by this principle, we share our actions with prominent figures in our society and representatives of public institutions, in order to raise awareness and provide them with a detailed understanding of the needs and challenges facing scientific research today.
The Spanish Prime Minister wanted to reaffirm his government's commitment to Alzheimer's prevention and research.
See moreWe were able to present our social and scientific projects based on early diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer’s
See moreThe Minister of Science and Innovation visited our facilities to learn about the scientific and social project of the Foundation and the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center.
See moreJoint action and collaboration between organizations working on different aspects of the disease are necessary to strengthen and coordinate the demands of the different stakeholders. Strategic alliances allow us to approach the analysis of reality and propose shared solutions to the challenges we face in order to advance in the fulfillment of our mission and objectives.
#CompromisoAlzheimer calls for Alzheimer's disease and dementia to be a political priority, for specific funding to be allocated to research and for the implementation of the Comprehensive Alzheimer's Plan.
See moreIn 2025, 9.1 million people will suffer from Alzheimer's and other dementias in the European Union. With the ageing of the population, this figure will reach 14.3 million by 2050.
See moreThis tool provides information, activities and resources on Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.
See moreThe Roundtable addresses the demands of various social entities to defend the rights of the elderly within the framework of the United Nations.
See moreThe letters call for Alzheimer's to be prioritised in the city's public policies.
See moreAn open letter addressed to the candidates for the general elections on July 23 calls for commitment and solutions to the reality of Alzheimer's and dementia.
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