Alzheimer's | The disease and its impact

The disease and its impact

Alzheimer's, the most common cause of dementia, is a neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive cognitive decline, making it difficult to carry out normal daily activities. It is mainly characterized by memory loss.


Alzheimer's symptoms

The duration of the disease is usually long, and in most cases it is between 4 and 8 years, but this may vary depending on the case. Impairment and dependency increase during this time.

Affected individuals may develop cognitive and behavioral symptoms, some of which include:


Memory loss


Language problems


Loss of objects


Mood swings


Behavioral changes


Difficulty doing simple tasks


Disorientation in time and space


Loss of attention span


Difficulty having elaborate thoughts, such as reasoning or planning


Loss of initiative

Risk factors

Age is the main non-modifiable risk factor for Alzheimer's. However, it is not an inevitable consequence of aging.It is also important to know that this is not a hereditary disease and that only in 1 % cases can it be directly attributed to genetics.

There are different modifiable risk factors that can influence the onset or prevention of the disease. We know that 1 in 3 cases of Alzheimer's could be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle habits..


Avoid excesses


Follow a Mediterranean diet


Perform physical exercise regularly


Working on cognitive reserve


Strengthening social relationships

Understanding Alzheimer's and its impact

Alzheimer's affects 1 in 10 people over 65 and a third of people over 85..

With life expectancy increasing, these figures could double in the next 20 years if a cure is not found to slow the progression of the disease, which represents a growing challenge for public health.

900,000 people

900,000 people

diagnosed with Alzheimer's or other dementias in Spain.

Every 3 seconds

Every 3 seconds

a new case of dementia is diagnosed worldwide.

2 out of 3 people

2 out of 3 people

have or have had a person with Alzheimer's in their environment.


The diagnosed person ends up requiring the constant assistance from a caregiver, mostly assumed by the family environment, in the vast majority of cases by women. This is due, in part, to gender conditions and the hegemonic roles established socially and historically, which have assigned women the responsibility of care in the family environment.

The stress and anxiety associated with the role of caregiver can have serious consequences for the mental and physical health of these people, who often sacrifice their own well-being to offer support to their loved ones. It is therefore imperative to properly address this situation and provide them with support and training resources.

8 out of 10 families take on the direct care of a family member with Alzheimer's

The average dedication of families to caring for the affected person is 70 hours per week

Primary care is assumed by women in 67% of cases


The economic cost of caring for a person with Alzheimer's is mostly assumed by families

The cost per affected person is estimated to be around €35,000 per year, much higher in more advanced stages of the disease. This is a cost borne by families in 87% of cases.


Science, the only solution

We know that we will only achieve a world without Alzheimer's through more and better research.That is why, from our own research centre, the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center, and with our scientific activity, we are committed to dedicating our efforts to the early identification and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

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