Collaborate | Solidarity will

Solidarity will

We all want future generations to live in a better world than the one we have found. Include the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in your will and help create a future without Alzheimer's.


It will be a future without Alzheimer's. It will be thanks to your legacy.

Download our complete dossier on inheritances and legacies.

Download dossier

Step 1

Get advice from a notary for drafting the will. They will answer all your questions and guide you through important details, ensuring the validity of the document and that it can be fulfilled in the manner you have established.


Step 2

Includes the Pasqual Maragall Foundation as heir or beneficiary of a legacy.To do so, you must provide the following information:

Pasqual Maragall Foundation
CIF: G-64869290
Wellington, 30
08005 Barcelona


Step 3

Make sure your family, your partner or someone you trust has a copy of the will.


Step 4

Please let us know that you have included the Foundation in your will to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled (it is not necessary to specify the donation). You can do so by phone at 933 263 190 or 696 199 683, or by email at

Do you need help?

If you have doubts before making your decision, Contact the Foundation team: We have the collaboration and advice of expert notaries and lawyers. You can also contact us for free advice and we will assist you personally.


Ana Borrell. Responsible for Solidarity Testament.
Phones: 933 263 190 / 696 199 683


You can also make a donation during life in memory of a loved one.

Learn more

Get to know their charitable legacies



She has left a bequest to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in memory of his mother.

“I hope that my legacy will serve to continue advancing research, so that no one has to live through what we did.”



He has decided to contribute his legacy to the fight against Alzheimer's disease at the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.

“The legacy is assets I inherited from my father. I owe it to him. He helped everyone and this is a continuation of what he did. I do it in his name.”



She has donated part of his inheritance to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in memory of her parents.

"I'd like to think that by doing this I'm honoring the memory of my parents. They were very generous."

What options do I have to include the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in my will?

You can donate part of your assets to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation through a legacy: an amount of money, a property, or you can name the Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance.

If you wish to donate your assets to more than one person and/or institution, you can name the Pasqual Maragall Foundation as co-heir, indicating the percentage assigned to each party.

If you have no heirs, you can designate the Pasqual Maragall Foundation as your sole heir, giving it all your assets, rights and/or shares.


Your contribution will be allocated to clinical research projects aimed at overcoming Alzheimer's disease and providing care and support to families affected by it. If you wish, you can indicate what type of project you would like us to allocate your inheritance or legacy to.

Our commitment is to act with the utmost professionalism and transparency to ensure that the wishes you have expressed in your will are fulfilled. The probate process of the inheritance will always be carried out with the utmost diligence, collaborating with all parties and complying with all legal obligations.


How do we manage the goods received?


The money of checking accounts or deposits, once awarded, the funds will be deposited into the treasury of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation to be used for the entity's objectives.


The amounts obtained by real estate, valuables and/or investment funds and shares will be allocated to the entity's objectives.


Modifiable factors are those that concern the control of cardiovascular health and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, among which the most notable are cognitive and social activity, adequate nutrition, physical activity and ensuring good quality sleep. goods with sentimental value (photos, documents, memories, etc.) will be offered free of charge to relatives and people who cared for the deceased person.


Modifiable factors are those that concern the control of cardiovascular health and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, among which the most notable are cognitive and social activity, adequate nutrition, physical activity and ensuring good quality sleep. goods of little economic and sentimental value (such as household goods) will be donated to a charity for use as it deems appropriate.

The portion of your inheritance that you give to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation will not be affected by taxes. As a legal entity, the Foundation is not subject to inheritance tax. Furthermore, the income we receive from inheritances and legacies is exempt from corporate tax as it is a non-profit organization.

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