2 October 2024

We debunk Alzheimer's myths at a new educational event in Seville

The conference "Myths and truths about Alzheimer's" has highlighted the importance of eliminating erroneous beliefs to promote a more accurate understanding of the disease and encourage an approach based on scientific evidence.
We debunk Alzheimer's myths at a new educational event in Seville

We organize the conference «Myths and truths about Alzheimer's» at the CaixaForum in Seville, to disprove myths and reveal truths that are still little known about Alzheimer's disease. The event, which was attended by more than 170 people, has been taught by the Dr Nina Gramunt, a neuropsychologist and expert in training and dissemination from the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, who has offered an updated scientific view on this complex neurodegenerative disease.

During the talk, the Dr. Gramunt She has clearly and rigorously explained some of the most common errors surrounding Alzheimer's, many of which, despite being widespread, do not have scientific support. The expert stressed the importance of disproving these erroneous beliefs in order to promote a better understanding of the disease, as well as to promote an evidence-based approach. "Alzheimer's is a disease that affects the brain and, as such, is highly complex. Rigor in its approach and in the dissemination of knowledge is essential," said the doctor.

In addition to debunking myths, the Dr. Gramunt He also shared some of the latest advances in research, both in terms of prevention and treatment.

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