More than 140 people from the town of Alcalá de Henares have attended the Alzheimer's prevention meeting "When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back", which is part of the social awareness work that we promote. The informative talk was held in the Margarita Xirgu Room, led by the Dr. Nina Gramunt Fombuena, neuropsychologist expert in training and dissemination of the Foundation.
During her presentation, the doctor discussed the multifactorial origin of Alzheimer's, differentiating between modifiable risk factors that depend largely on ourselves, contributing to reducing the probability of suffering from the disease, such as a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, smoking or alcohol consumption. And non-modifiable risk factors, which are those that are beyond our control, such as genetics and age.
To conclude the session, he highlighted various measures to improve brain health and reduce the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's. Thanks to research, it is now known that as one in three cases of Alzheimer’s It could be prevented through lifestyle changes, which are also key to reducing the occurrence of strokes.