Today, September 21, is World Alzheimer's Day, a date on which it is necessary to demand the urgent need to place this disease among the strategic political priorities, providing resources for research and support for the 900,000 families who suffer from this disease in Spain.
This figure could also double in the next two decades if effective solutions are not found to slow its progress. According to the WHO, Alzheimer's is one of the main causes of death and disability and affects 1 in 10 people over 65 years of age and a third of those over 85 years of age.
In addition to the incidence data for the disease, there are associated costs of around €35,000 per patient per year, borne in 87% of cases by families, who also assume the responsibility for patient care in more than 80% of cases, calculated at an average of 70 hours per week.
In addition, two out of three Spaniards say they know someone who suffers or has suffered from Alzheimer's (in 27% cases a direct relative), and it is in second place as the health problem that most worries Spaniards, very close to cancer, reaching first place in the case of older people.
Longevity is increasing, increasing the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, and there are currently no treatments available to stop its progress. We are facing a structural and silent pandemic and, if the situation does not change, the situation will be difficult to bear for those affected and their families, and for public health and social protection services.
Alzheimer's research has a name and surname
For several months now, the Pasqual Maragall Foundation has been running the campaign “Alzheimer’s research has a name and surname” to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s, which highlights the loss of identity of people suffering from the disease as a central theme.
Convinced that science is the only solution to achieve a future without Alzheimer's and to prevent people from continuing to lose their identity, on the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day the campaign highlights the daily work carried out by the entity's researchers.
Everyone's support is key
In addition, on September 21, we are asking the public to join the initiative with their first and last name through the website so that together we can ensure that Alzheimer's is prioritized and that resources are increased for research and support for families who suffer from it.