March 14, 2024

Glòria Oliver, appointed secretary of the Council of Patronage in Research, Development and Innovation of Catalonia

The Manager of the Foundation and the BBRC has been elected as secretary of the new Council of Patronage in Research, Development and Innovation of Catalonia.
Glòria Oliver, appointed secretary of the Council of Patronage in Research, Development and Innovation of Catalonia

Gloria Oliver, manager of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center has been chosen as Secretary of the new Council of Patronage in Research, Development and Innovation of CataloniaThis body, provided for in the Catalan Science Law, aims to ensure that the Government's policy on R&D&I patronage is updated and to advise on the mechanisms for its effectiveness.

Oliver attended the session of the constitution of the Council last Wednesday, chaired by the Minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal, and stressed the need for “generate relevance on the importance of philanthropy and encourage this commitment on the part of individuals and companies.”

Furthermore, the constitution of the Council of Patronage in Research, Development and Innovation of Catalonia definitively culminated the deployment of the Catalan Science Law, approved by a large parliamentary majority in December 2022.