12 November 2019

Dr. Jordi Camí, director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, present at the presentations on memory at the Palau Macaya

Dr. Jordi Camí has presented a conference and moderated a round table within the framework of talks by the Club Roma of 'la Caixa'
Dr. Jordi Camí, director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, present at the presentations on memory at the Palau Macaya

On October 28, Dr. Jordi Camí, Director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, presented the paper entitled “The fragility of our memories”. The conference, which was held at the Macaya Palace from Barcelona, discussed how Our brain manages the information we receive from the outside and that which we generate within ourselves..

In addition, on November 11, the Director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation also moderated a round table entitled “The Construction of Collective Memories”, which was attended by Joaquim Albareda, Rafa Badia, Victòria Camps, Luis Martínez, Ana Mayorgas and Antoni Puigvert.

The two conferences were held within the framework of the talks of the Club Roma based in the Palau Macaya in 'la Caixa'.

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