The Foundation | News


Discover the latest news related to Alzheimer's disease and current events relating to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center.

We raise awareness about the importance of Alzheimer's prevention during the event “When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back” in Malaga
3 October 2024

We raise awareness about the importance of Alzheimer's prevention during the event “When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back” in Malaga

Nearly 100 people participated in the informative session we held on the prevention of Alzheimer's through the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits.

We received a visit from Dr. Jesús Porta-Etessam, President of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN)
2 October 2024

We received a visit from Dr. Jesús Porta-Etessam, President of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN)

During the meeting we had the opportunity to present the different Alzheimer's research projects that we carry out at our facilities.

We debunk Alzheimer's myths at a new educational event in Seville
2 October 2024

We debunk Alzheimer's myths at a new educational event in Seville

The conference "Myths and truths about Alzheimer's" has highlighted the importance of eliminating erroneous beliefs to promote a more accurate understanding of the disease and encourage an approach based on scientific evidence.

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation strengthens its management team
27 September 2024

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation strengthens its management team

Both appointments strengthen the governing bodies of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the BBRC to cope with the current period of expansion and growth, and to adapt to the current social and research environment.

World Alzheimer's Day: Alzheimer's research has a name and a surname
20 September 2024

World Alzheimer's Day: Alzheimer's research has a name and a surname

This September 21, with the initiative “Alzheimer’s research has a name and a surname”, we highlight those people who work daily to bring us closer to our goal of a world without Alzheimer’s.

We raise awareness about Alzheimer's with the talk "When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back" in Palma
17 September 2024

We raise awareness about Alzheimer's with the talk "When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back" in Palma

More than 100 people attended the informative session we organised on Alzheimer's prevention at CaixaForum Palma, led by Dr. Nina Gramunt.

On the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day, on September 21, social organizations call on the authorities to place Alzheimer's as a social and health priority
16 September 2024

On the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day, on September 21, social organizations call on the authorities to place Alzheimer's as a social and health priority

At the Pasqual Maragall Foundation we join forces with other organisations to demand policies and resources to address demographic change and strengthen research.

Wish a happy holiday with our charity postcards
13 September 2024

Wish a happy holiday with our charity postcards

Your company can make this Christmas even more unforgettable.

Josep Rull, President of the Parliament of Catalonia, visits the Pasqual Maragall Foundation
4 September 2024

Josep Rull, President of the Parliament of Catalonia, visits the Pasqual Maragall Foundation

During the visit, we presented the various research projects we are developing on Alzheimer's.

EMA issues negative opinion on marketing authorisation for lecanemab in Europe
26 July 2024

EMA issues negative opinion on marketing authorisation for lecanemab in Europe

This is the first drug approved by the traditional route of the US regulatory agency FDA that intervenes in the progression of the disease.

The BBRC participates in AAIC 2024 with six talks and twenty posters
23 July 2024

The BBRC participates in AAIC 2024 with six talks and twenty posters

During the meeting, the teams will share their research updates with the international scientific community.

Brain blood flow decreases in asymptomatic stages of Alzheimer's
22 July 2024

Brain blood flow decreases in asymptomatic stages of Alzheimer's

This is one of the main conclusions of a study led by the BBRC and published in the journal Alzheimer and Dementia.

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