Collaborate | Keeping their memories alive

Keeping their memories alive

Thanks to your donation, we will continue to make progress in the prevention and early detection of Alzheimer's, and you will honour the memory of those loved ones who should never have lost theirs.


We are made of memories. Stories, learning and experiences that we keep as one of our most precious assets. Unfortunately, every year Alzheimer's continues to take away the memories of millions of people.

Even though those memories are no longer with our loved ones, they are still with us. All those experiences remain alive in our minds.

“In Memory” was born for this purpose, to remember and pay tribute to all those people who have experienced Alzheimer's first-hand.

"In Memory" donation

They have already donated "In Memory"

Francisco Camara

Collaborator in memory of his mother

"It has been extremely difficult for all of our family and friends to see a kind, good-humored, cultured and intelligent person deteriorate so rapidly to the point where she almost never recognized any of us anymore… So I have decided that I no longer want to sit idly by while this terrible disease continues to wreak havoc on so many families like ours."

Laura Arín

Collaborator in memory of her father

"The worst of all is knowing that the person I adore will one day forget who I am, where he lives, and even the dreams he had, the dreams he should have had. Damn you, Alzheimer's! I will remember his dreams, so that they don't escape, to keep them in my soul forever."

Frequently Asked Questions

The Foundation wanted to create a space to commemorate all those people whom Alzheimer's has taken from us. Making an "In Memory" donation is a symbolic gesture to keep their memory alive. We are convinced that together we will achieve a future without Alzheimer's.

Our largest investment is focused on funding scientific research projects aimed at preventing Alzheimer's, which we carry out largely through our very own Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC). We also work on projects to support carers and raise public awareness about the disease. Our accounts are public and you can see them in the Commitment section of our website .

Your contribution has tax benefits. You can find more information here .

At the beginning of the year we inform the tax office of all donations received during the previous year. In addition, coinciding with the income tax campaign, we send all collaborators a tax certificate certifying their contribution.

Yes, we all want future generations to live in a better world than the one we have found. You can contact us at 900 545 545 or at . If you want to know more about this type of collaboration, you will find more information at this link.

If you have any questions or need more details, please contact us at:

Free phone: 900 545 545
WhatsApp: 620 227 255

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