23 January 2025

Fundraising campaign 'Minibrains to Think Big' successfully concluded

Donations will support our research centre's studies aimed at developing miniature brains from stem cells to study the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s
We successfully concluded the fundraising campaign “Minibrains to think big”

Our “Mini brains to think big” campaign has raised € 312,820, exceeding the initial target of €250,000, thanks to contributions from individuals and companies that have once again demonstrated their commitment to research into this disease.

The funds raised will support our Barcelonaßeta Brain Research Center project, led by PhD researcher Dr Laura Garcia Gonzalez, which is based on the use of reprogrammed stem cells to create three-dimensional cultures – brain organoids, also known as “mini brains” – that mimic the function of a human brain, thereby allowing detailed analysis of the development of Alzheimer’s and its molecular and cellular mechanisms.

According to Dr Garcia, “Brain organoids are a very powerful predictive tool that helps analyse the different genetic factors involved in the development of the disease. By using them, we are getting closer to preventing, delaying or even stopping the progression of Alzheimer’s.”

The project, which began in 2022, will also create a stem cell bank to screen for new drug treatments and pave the way for new lines of research.

“Mini brains to think big” has involved agencies such as ES3, BUM and production company BloodyMary Films.

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