3 October 2024

We raise awareness about the importance of Alzheimer's prevention during the event “When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back” in Malaga

Nearly 100 people participated in the informative session we held on the prevention of Alzheimer's through the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits.
We raise awareness about the importance of Alzheimer's prevention during the event “When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer's takes a step back” in Malaga

Nearly 100 people attended the event to promote Alzheimer's prevention through healthy lifestyle habits “When you take care of yourself, Alzheimer’s takes a step back”. The meeting, held at the White Box of Malaga, is part of the social awareness work that we promote, a key aspect of our mission along with our contribution to research into the disease.

The day was led by the Dr. Nina Gramunt, Neuropsychologist and expert in training and dissemination from the Pasqual Maragall Foundation. During her speech, the doctor addressed the multifactorial origin of Alzheimer's, pointing out that, although some risk factors are inevitable, such as aging, others can be modified and have a considerable impact on the development and progression of the disease. These predictable factors include a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia and alcohol consumption.

In addition, the doctor has highlighted various measures to improve brain health and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's, such as adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Thanks to advances in research, it is now known that as one in three cases of Alzheimer’s could be prevented by lifestyle changes.

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