The President of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), Dr. Jesús Porta-Etessam, has visited the headquarters of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center to learn about our social and scientific projects based on early detection and prevention of Alzheimer's.
Throughout the journey, we have been able to present Our scientific project and infrastructure where we develop the different studies on Alzheimer's. In addition, we have shared our social commitment through our support programs for caregivers and awareness-raising programs on the disease to improve the well-being of those affected and their environment, and to raise awareness about it.
He has accompanied the President of the Spanish Society of Neurology,Monica Peiro Juan as a member of the SEN Barcelona. On behalf of the Foundation and the BBRC, the president of the Foundation, Cristina Maragall; the general manager, the Dr. Arcadi Navarro; the Deputy Director General, Gloria Oliver; and the Director of Health System Relations of the FPM and the BBRC, Dr. Josep Maria Argimon.