Collaborate | Become a solidarity company

Become a solidarity company

We can continue to research Alzheimer's and improve the quality of life of those affected and their families thanks to the support of companies and people like you.

Find out here how you can collaborate with your company to support our project.


Unforgettable partner company

Join our network of partner companies and institutions. Your continued commitment will directly help to develop our scientific and social project.

Collaborating from €100 per month, we offer you:

  • Invitation to all our events.
  • Prominent presence at our annual meeting.
Make your company a partner

Unforgettable donor company

Make your commitment and collaboration with Alzheimer's research a reality in a flexible way: your financial contribution can vary in frequency and amount, helping us achieve a future where we can all remember.

These are the benefits associated with a donation from €5,000:

  • We will communicate your commitment to the work of the Foundation on all our channels.
  • We will hold a welcome meeting.
  • We will invite you to the Foundation's annual event.
  • We will offer you an informative conference on Alzheimer's for your employees or collaborators.
Make your donation

Unforgettable patron company

Make your company a strategic and essential ally for the Foundation. With a firm commitment and sustainable support over time, you contribute, through science and research, to the prevention of Alzheimer's and, in this way, to achieving a better and more sustainable future. In addition to the advantages of donor companies, you will have the following benefits:

  • You will be able to form part of the Foundation's Patronage Council .
  • We will hold a private signing ceremony, with an official photograph and a press release for the media.
  • We will communicate our partnership by including your logo and mentioning your company on our website, magazine and annual activity report.

The collaboration of the companies of the Patronage Council is established from €30,000 per year with a 3-year commitment.

Write to us

Unforgettable campaigns and actions for companies: together we go further

Involve all your teams and partners in solidarity actions to join forces in Alzheimer's research and support caregivers. Promote solidarity from the heart of your company with unforgettable ideas and people. There are many ways to promote solidarity: you can create an internal campaign such as the solidarity payroll, take advantage of specific moments such as Christmas or World Alzheimer's Day (September 21), organize a solidarity event or support your employees to organize their own solidarity initiatives.

I want to promote an initiative

Do you have a business?

Make it unforgettable for €25 a month!

Unforgettable shops

Your financial contribution to a future without Alzheimer's has tax advantages: You can deduct 40% of your contribution from the full amount of corporate tax (with a limit of 15% of the taxable base). This deduction increases to 50% for donations made for the same amount or a higher amount over more than two years.

Need more information?

If you have any questions or need more details, please contact us.


Ana Borrell. Head of Companies and Foundations.
Phones: 933 263 190 / 696 199 683

Companies that have already collaborated for a future without Alzheimer's


BONPREU: Solidarity rounding

“It is a very rewarding experience to have the opportunity to do our bit to help make our community better. From my visit to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, I take with me a special memory of the treatment I received and having had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the research to fight the disease and the support given to the families of sick people.”

Susanna Juan.
CSR Manager


DAUSS LAWYERS: Unforgettable company

“The Pasqual Maragall Foundation has given us the opportunity to be more aware that, now more than ever, Alzheimer's is a disease that we must fight together from a scientific perspective, but only by being individuals and keeping in mind the human perspective will we be able to understand and defeat it.”

Dauss Team.


MOVENTIA: Unforgettable patron company

“At Moventia we imagine a future without Alzheimer's, in which growing older is a full stage to enjoy. That is why we are convinced that, through science and innovation, entities such as the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, through its team of researchers and professionals, will be able to overcome this terrible disease.”

Silvia Marti.
Corporate Vice President

If you prefer, you can make your contribution by bank transfer.

ES48 2100 6887 6902 0004 3894

Once the transfer has been made, please send us the receipt that the bank will give you, along with your personal details, to the email

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