Social action | Support for caregivers | Therapeutic groups for caregivers

Therapeutic groups for caregivers

This in-person program is aimed at caregivers of family members with Alzheimer's and offers group psychological therapy.

In addition to acquiring knowledge about the disease and tools to better cope with the care process, participants share their experiences, learn relaxation techniques and how to manage their emotions.

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation is currently carrying out the thereapeutic groups programme in the city of Barcelona.


Groups of 10 people, with a commitment to assistance

90 minutes a week, for 14 weeks

Free face-to-face sessions with professional therapists


Participating in groups contributes to:

  • Understanding the evolution of Alzheimer's.
  • Relieve psychological discomfort and its symptoms.
  • Promote adaptive changes.
  • Learn about support resources.
  • Adapt daily living activities.
  • Share experiences with people who live in a similar situation.
  • Practice relaxation techniques.

Learn more about the programme

Learn more about the programme



"I have been able to express myself and have felt listened to."


She takes care of her husband and participates in our therapeutic groups.


“We have learned that if you are well, the person you care for will be well too.”


He takes care of his wife and participates in our therapeutic groups.


“Caring is a very difficult process and I felt very understood and loved in the group.”


She takes care of her husband and participates in our therapeutic groups.


Do you want to participate?

If you are interested in joining the programme, please fill out the form below. You will be able to choose the type of programme you prefer at the end of the form.

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